Last reviewed & updated: March, 2025
EXA Infrastructure’s goal is to provide its clients with the best commercial service possible. To accomplish this, EXA Infrastructure has adopted this Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”), which outlines the principles governing the use of EXA Infrastructure’s services. All EXA Infrastructure clients and users ( a “Client”) must comply with this Policy. If you do not agree with these terms, immediately cease using our services and notify us in writing so that your account can be closed.
EXA Infrastructure reserves the right to modify, the Policy at any time, effective upon posting at Clients are responsible for monitoring this website for changes. Continued use of our services after updates constitutes acceptance of the new terms.
1. Illegal Use
The EXA Infrastructure network may be used only for lawful purposes. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to::
- Unauthorized Distribution: Transmitting, distributing, or storing material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, software piracy, patents or other intellectual property right without proper authorization.
- Privacy Infringement: Engaging in activity that violates privacy, publicity or other personal rights of others.
- Offensive or Harmful Material: Material that is obscene, abusive, defamatory, harassing, or threatening language constituting an illegal threat or violates export control laws.
- Exploitation of vulnerabilities: Exploiting vulnerabilities in hardware or software for malicious purposes such as exploiting scripts on web pages (i.e., forms for answering questions or entering data)
2. System and Network Security
Violations of system or network security are prohibited, and may result in criminal and civil liability. EXA Infrastructure will investigate incidents involving such violations and may involve and will cooperate with law enforcement, if a criminal violation is suspected.
Prohibited actions include, without limitation, the following:
- Unauthorized access: Accessing or attempting to access computers, data, systems, accounts or networks without permission (including any attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of a system or network or an attempt to penetrate security measures of another individual’s system (known as ‘hacking’)
- Unauthorized monitoring: Capturing or monitoring data or traffic on any network or system without express authorization of the owner of the system or network.
- Service Disruption: Interference with service to any user, host or network including, without limitation, mail-bombing, flooding, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks.
- Data tampering: Forging of any TCP/IP packet header or other header information in an email or a newsgroup posting or otherwise engaging in any monitoring or interception of data not intended for the Client without authorization is prohibited.
- Network Abuse: Engaging in or permitting any network or hosting activity that results in the blacklisting or other blockage of EXA Infrastructure IP space is prohibited.
- Circumvention: Attempting to bypass authentication or security of any hosts, network, or account (“cracking”) without authorization.
- Phishing and Malware: Using phishing techniques to simulate communications for collecting sensitive information, or employing malware, DNS cache poisoning, or pharming to redirect users to fraudulent websites..
- Export violations: Exporting encryption software over the internet or otherwise in violation of ITAR, to points outside the United States.
- Denial of Service attacks: Activities that disrupt the use of or interfere with the ability of others to effectively use the EXA Infrastructure network, system, service, or equipment by utilizing programs, scripts, or commands to abuse a website (i.e., DDOS, SYN Floods or similar attacks).
3. Email
Sending unsolicited mail messages is prohibited including, without limitation, sending unsolicited bulk and/or commercial messages over the internet (“spamming”). Email usage must comply with the following rules:
- Opt-In Requirement: Bulk email may only be sent to recipients who have expressly opted in. Clients that send bulk email messages must maintain complete and accurate records of all email subscription requested, specifically including the email and associated headers sent by every subscriber, and shall immediately provide EXA Infrastructure with such records upon request
- Respecting Preferences: Do not send messages to individuals who have indicated they do not wish to receive them.
- Server Configuration: Do not configure your email server as an open relay or for collecting unsolicited responses.
- List Procurement: Do not purchase lists of email addresses from third parties.
- Malicious Activity: Do not distribute viruses, worms, or engage in mail bombing or denial of service attacks.
4. Content Integrity
Do not transmit material that is threatening, abusive, deceptive, or otherwise violates applicable laws or regulations
5. Obscene Speech or Material
Transmission, distribution or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited. The EXA Infrastructure’s network must not be used to advertise, transmit, store, post, display or otherwise make available child pornography or obscene speech or materials. EXA Infrastructure does not prohibit any material allowed by law. EXA Infrastructure complies with all legal obligations and will notify law enforcement if child pornography is detected on or transmitted through our network.
6. Risk of the Internet
Clients acknowledge that certain activities on the internet may pose risks, including::
- Malware exposure: Downloading content (including receiving emails) that may contain viruses or other harmful software to the Client’s computer;
- Security Risks: Purchase goods or services using the internet that may present security risks;
- Confidentiality risks: Transmitting sensitive information over the internet (such as credit card numbers or other business information); or
- Inappropriate Content: Accessing and viewing content on the internet or otherwise available through the service that may be offensive or unsuitable to some individuals, or inappropriate for children.
Clients are responsible for mitigating these risks, such as by using appropriate filtering or security solutions. EXA Infrastructure accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting from such risks as EXA Infrastructure does not offer Internet Services. EXA Infrastructure does not provide these filtering solutions as part of its services and it is the Client’s responsibility to implement these measures.
7. Additional Terms and Conditions
The use of the EXA Infrastructure network by a Client is subject to the terms and conditions of any agreements entered into by such Client with EXA Infrastructure. This Policy is incorporated into such agreements by reference.
8. Complaints/Violations of this Policy
Any complaints regarding prohibited use of or other abuse of the EXA Infrastructure network systems, applications or information, including violations of this Policy, should be sent to Please include all applicable information to assist with our investigation.